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Proudcts - Miscellaneous Instruments

Blade Breaker

Blade Handle

Braunstein Fixed Caliper

Aphakic / Phakic
FT180103 3.5 / 4.0 mm
FT180104 3.0 / 3.5 mm

Castroviejo Caliper

Caliper measures from 0mm to 20mm in 0.5mm increments with scale reading on one side.

Luntz-Dodick Trabeculectomy Punch

With bullet shaped tip for easy insertion into the sclera-corneal tunnel,

its angled cutting edge is designed to engage the scleral lip at

the base of the tunnel. 0.5mm deep bite

Diameter head
FT180106 1.0 mm
FT180107 1.5 mm
FT180108 1.2 mm